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“Collect Your Food Stamps”

A non-government organization providing support and assistance to those particularly rekted and disadvantaged in crypto.
Coming soon...
Food Assistance

Learn how to get nutritious food for yourself and your family through the NYOFS program(No Yachts, Only Food Stamps) for men, women, manchilds, bagholders, and infants, as long as they’re as rekted as you. Find out how our food program can provide emergency help during the 2022 shitshow.

On This Page

Program Overview

NYOFS (No Yachts, Only Food Stamps) is a non-federal nutrition awareness program featuring a limited run of 6969 unique food stamps. Known also as "Only Food Stamps", the 2022 NYOFS stamps feature legendary moments from the 2022 shitshow including the FTX debacle, LUNA catastrophe, 3AC fiasco, and more. Each stamp is procedurally generated or whatever, and features a unique combination of our favorite characters tweeting and shitposting - you know the drill… Trading food stamps may or may not help you stretch your food budget, if you still hold shitcoins or have low fiat-income. Not financial advice.

Application Requirements

If you’re still hodling FTT, LUNA, and UST, you are making a terrible decision. However, you may trade in 69 of these shitcoins for 1 food stamp, for a chance at salvation. Trade in your worthless bags to become an official 2022 Foodstamper!